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Terms and conditions


terms and conditions

ADLikha Events values and respects the privacy of the people we deal with. ADLikha Events is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and other applicable privacy laws and regulations.

This Privacy Policy (Policy) describes how we collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal information, and how we maintain the quality and security of your personal information.

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern your use of our services as a line producer and the collection and delivery of tickets through third-party websites/sources. By engaging our services, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms. Please read them carefully.

2. Definitions

"Company," "we," "us," or "our'' refers to ADLikha Events.
"Client," "you," or "your" refers to the individual or entity engaging our services.
"Services" refers to the line production services provided by ADLikha Events.
"Agreement" refers to the contractual arrangement between ADLikha Events and the Client, including these Terms.
"Third-Party Websites/Sources" refers to external platforms used for ticket collection and delivery.
"Ticket Holder” refers to any individual possessing a ticket to an event produced by ADLikha Events.

3. Scope of Services

We will provide line production services as agreed upon in the project proposal or service agreement. These services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Budgeting and scheduling

  • Hiring crew and managing logistics

  • Coordinating with vendors and suppliers

  • Overseeing production to ensure adherence to budget and schedule

4. Fees and payments

Fees: The fees for our services will be outlined in the project proposal or service agreement.

Payment Terms: Payments are due as per the schedule specified in the service agreement. Late payments may incur additional charges.

Expenses: The Client agrees to reimburse us for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the provision of services, as outlined in the service agreement.

5. Collection and Delivery of Tickets

Third-Party Websites/Sources: We may use third-party websites/sources for the distribution of event tickets.

Accuracy: It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that all information provided for ticket purchase and delivery is accurate.

Delivery Methods: Tickets may be delivered electronically (e.g., via email or mobile app) or physically (e.g., via postal service), as specified at the time of purchase.

Fees: Any fees associated with ticket collection and delivery will be disclosed at the time of purchase and are non-refundable.

Lost or Stolen Tickets: We are not responsible for lost or stolen tickets. Replacement policies will depend on the third-party provider's terms and conditions.

6. Condition of Entry

Compliance: All Ticket Holders must comply with the event venue's rules and regulations, as well as any specific conditions set by us.

Prohibited Items: Items prohibited by the venue (e.g., weapons, illegal substances) must not be brought to the event. A detailed list of prohibited items will be provided with the ticket information.

Behaviour: Ticket Holders are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not interfere with the enjoyment of the event by others. Disorderly conduct may result in removal from the event without a refund.

Search: Entry to the event may be subject to security searches as deemed necessary by the event organisers.

7. Client Responsibilities

Provision of Information: The Client agrees to provide all necessary information, materials, and access required for the performance of services.

Timely Decisions: The Client agrees to make timely decisions and approvals to facilitate the smooth progress of the project.

8. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to keep confidential all information disclosed during the course of the project, except as required by law or as necessary to perform the services.

9. Intellectual Property

We retain the right to use project materials for promotional purposes, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

10. Liability and Indemnity

Limitation of Liability: Our liability for any claim arising out of this agreement shall not exceed the total amount paid by the Client for the services.

Indemnity: The Client agrees to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, and expenses arising out of the Client's use of our services.

11. Termination

By Either Party: Either party may immediately terminate the agreement if the other party becomes insolvent, or assigns a substantial portion of its assets for the benefit of creditors, or appoints a trustee or receiver for its business or assets or any part thereof.

By Client: The Client may terminate the agreement for convenience with 30 days' written notice, subject to payment for all services rendered and expenses incurred up to the date of termination.

By Company: We may terminate the agreement immediately if the Client fails to make timely payments.

12. Dispute Resolution

Negotiation: In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to first attempt to resolve the issue through good faith negotiations.

Mediation and Arbitration: If negotiations fail, the dispute will be referred to mediation, and if necessary, binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of South Australia.

13. Governing Law

These Terms and the agreement between the parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of South Australia.

14. Amendments

We reserve the right to amend these Terms from time to time. Any changes will be posted on our website

15. General Agreement

These Terms, together with the project proposal or service agreement, constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all prior understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties.

16. contact us

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at:


ADLikha Events
Unit 30
44-48 Metro Parade


By engaging our services and/or purchasing tickets for events, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

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